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Esther's Journey to Healing and Confidence

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“I went into the woods to fetch ‘kuni’ like I did every morning after my house chores. A bamboo tree fragment pierced me around the right nostril. It was so painful! I dropped my panga instinctively, touching my nose to feel.” Esther, a 60-year-old woman from Njabini, Nyandarua County, narrates.
In January 2021, she walked into our facility, seeking medical attention. Esther had covered her face with a mask, blending in with all of us during the COVID-19 era. She was not only covering her face to protect herself from the dreaded coronavirus. “Everyone was wearing a mask at that time, but I was wearing it for other reasons. I was hiding my face, and I was also concerned about germs getting into my wound,” she shares.
Following the incident in the woods, Esther faced a persistent, non-healing, fluid-secreting ulcer for two years. The ulcer had become hollow and could not filter and clean air properly. After a medical consultation and evaluation, she underwent the first procedure to cover the affected area and restore the nasal structure of her nose. As time passed, the ulcer began to spread, invading deep tissues. This prompted the need for more extensive care.
The second procedure was aimed at improving the functionality of her nose and addressing aesthetic concerns as well. Dr Bryce, our Otolaryngology, Head, and Neck Surgery (OHNS) consultant, led our team in providing the best possible care and treatment in our setting, resulting in her current state of perfect health and flourishing well-being.
Today, Esther has thrived in small-scale farming in Njabini, where she grows vegetables
"I feel better and much more confident now! Thank you, Kijabe Hospital,” Esther concludes.